Wednesday 14 March 2012

Book Review: DK Essential Managers - Manage Your Time by Tim Hindle

This book summarizes some very good tips to manage time. We all somehow know all these tips but we never seriously sit down and sort them out. Sometimes we’re just too busy and let go everything by the order they appear into our lives. Happening more than once in our lives, we recognized that our days just passing by without getting anything seriously done. Sometimes we also claim that it’s wasting time to make a critical schedule since it’s very hard be practical enough and usually thrown in the garbage bin in a couple of days.

I actually bought this book around 3 or 4 years ago. Well, saying that so that you can understand how big the hesitance in me. I did open the book and read 10 pages 2 years ago, and that was it! The book was physically on the shelf for that long. Just recently when I’ve paid attention that my book shelf was getting dusty too much and I need to clean it up. Once again, I’m supposed to clean up my space at least once a week but the task kept floating away further and further when other higher priority tasks coming daily. Everything has been piled up more and more by time until the day I couldn’t stand anymore or else I would get mentally sick with them. I still remember the moments when I turned left and I noticed I should have done this one long time ago. And when I turned right, I did recognize that one should have done too. However, they were still sitting there and waiting for me. Such disappointed moments!

Thankfully, the day had come. The day I forced myself to deal with my own messy stack seriously; and yep, I found this book while cleaning up the shelf, also when I needed it the most. This time, I read it with the enthusiasm and all my will to sort out my life, not for fun.

If read the story above, you would think the book is a tool to guide you for a personal daily schedule, wouldn't you?  I’m really sorry to confirm it’s not true, not at all. That was just a moment of my life. About the book itself, it is actually very thin and doesn't cost much time to read. Reading the book gives me the idea of effectively managing my time, not the tool to build a time table. The book builds for me the basis which from that I could observe and learn my physical energy and habit to make a sufficient schedule for me only. When I need “food,” the book gave me a “hook,” not a “fish.” If you always wish to setup a detail schedule for your life but never start building it yet, this book is a needle to move your hesitance. I've done the best schedule for my life so far after reading this book. Here is just a brief illustration I can publish.

The only note I can write down at this moment is, schedule is never stable for life, it’s a subject to change regularly instead. However, that doesn’t mean the life schedule is wasteful. It is a powerful tool giving you a straight line as well as acknowledgement where you stand in your life, how you get things done, how is planning for the future. By following your schedule, you will know what your strength and weakness are; you also learn how to win yourself and how to improve your schedule for further use. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!  

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